Breeding schedule
Of course you want strong and healthy pigeons. How about you give them a hand? We provide many natural boosters to improve their performance. We recently even published a winterdiet for your racing pigeons. Try it now, thank us later.
Soon, the breeding season starts again. Now is the time to prepare yourself. That’s why we’ve created this great breeding schedule for your pigeons. Well, we’re not exactly scheduling the breeding 😉 but the feeding and the supplements you could add. We know an effective feeding system for you to get your pigeons in the best shape for breeding.
Fundamentals of the breeding diet
The diet is build upon a simple breeding schedule. One month before the pigeons breed, give them Para-mix for 10 consecutive days. This protects from e-coli and paratyfus. Immediately when the mating starts until they lay their first egg, give a daily dose of Omega-Oil-mix on corns. At the fifth day after the eggs are laid, give Tricho-cure for 5 days. When the youngsters are weaned, give them Forte-Vita or Provibac for 14 consecutive days.
These supplements make sure the parents enjoy the best protection against diseases. These supplements further compliment the natural hormonal household of the pigeons, making them do their best during mating and brooding. Also, whilst the parents are protected and in top condition, they’re also able to produce ‘healthy seed’, meaning there’s a lower chance the youngster will get ill.
The complete schedule is as follows:
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Wondering which foods or medicines to give your pigeons? Need more information about supplements? Welcome to our webshop. There you’ll find our carefully developed products that will help you improve your pigeons’ health, condition, cure diseases and find information on a variety of bird-related topics.